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What’s Behind the Perfect Photos Of Instagram Models? Here’s How To Take Them

One of the main secrets of Instagram bloggers and influencers is how they edit their photos. Their edits make us look again and again and wish we could have the same photo skills.

Some of them, keep their tricks secret, but others are happy to share their editing skills with their followers.

We learned some tricks from famous bloggers and influencers and are happy to share them with you.

  1. A drawn avatar

Some bloggers ask professional artists to create their avatars, but you can get a very similar one in any iOS/ Android app in just a few minutes.

2. Correcting body shape


3. Amazing hair volume


4. A shiny white smile and perfect skin

Don’t delete a photo if you have a pimple, any skin problems can be hidden with the proper editing tools. For example, each skin problem Angelina Jolie had, was turned into a perfect skin with just a few steps in iOS/ Android apps.

5. Add something funny or unusual to the photo


Another example


For each one, we added their tutorial and how to achieve these photos.


6. Recover a dark photo


7. Blur the background

8. Add beautiful details

9. Use your creative mind to achieve great photos

What do you think about these photos? Share your thoughts in the comments on Facebook.