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Three red flag symptoms of autism that tell when to see a doctor

Problems with interactions and social communication cause autism signs and can affect anyone. There are some red flags of ASD that tell when to see a doctor.

Autism affects how a person communicates with others and the way they see the world. This is a lifelong condition.

Every single autistic person has different degrees of symptoms, and some of them need no everyday support in life. One key sign that warns is giving answers unrelated to questions. Some of them may be confused and respond unconventionally.

It can lead to having obsessive interests, and it can cause reactions unusual in how things sound, taste, look, or smell.

This sensory activity can make it difficult to go to public places and interact with people. It begins around age 2 and lasts all the life, although symptoms may increase over time.

Even that other people without ASD may have these symptoms, for people with ASD it makes life challenging.

Autistic people may have delayed speech and language skills, give unrelated answers, repeat words, have obsessive interests, and get upset by minor changes.

They can develop unusual interests and behaviors. A number of them may line up toys exactly the same or play the same way every time.

If they change a minor thing in routine can get upset. In this field other symptoms may include impulsivity, aggression, hyperactivity and unusual eating habits.

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