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Raymond Burr Adopted 25 Kids During 40 Years Of Secretive Life

Raymond Burr is a very famous actor. He is from Canada and has participated in more than 90 different productions. His most famous ones are “Rear Window” and also “A Cry in the Night”.

His most famous debut is in the crime drama titled “Perry Mason”. He was a detective who solved crimes and mysteries. 

His life outside of the spotlight was a mystery also as he decided to keep it private and not share much with his public. 

He was able to keep a very important secret regarding his life. He himself never revealed this secret. 

Burr was born in British Columbia in Canada in 1917. He dropped out of school because he had to work since he was very young to support his family. 

He discovered his talent for acting when he was still very young, only 12 years old. At 16 he began his career in acting. 

He has collaborated with very famous actors and film directors during his career. For his role in the drama series, he was nominated 6 times for an Emmy Award. 

In 1993 Burr passed away because of kidney cancer. In 1960 he received a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 

After his death, there have been new discoveries regarding his life. He died when he was 76 years old and had around $15 million as net worth. 

He was a lovely person who adopted 25 children around the world. He provided financial support for them like everything they needed. 

He used to meet each one of them several times and used to write to them continually. The adopted children came from different cities and states like Italy, Vietnam, or Fiji. 

What do you think about this generous act of Raymond?

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