Riley Hemson is a plus-size model who has been addressing the issue of size inclusivity. She posted on her social media account about how she one day went to do some last-minute shopping and found a lot of difficulties with finding the things she needed.

She has over 400K of followers on her Instagram profile where she shamed the clothing stores that do not cater to bigger bodies.

She also runs her own company, a clothing brand named “Remmie by Riley”. She wants to be able to make a change and make people feel more included in this society.

She usually buys her clothes online but since this one time she needed them immediately, she had no time to wait for the clothes to be shipped so she went to buy them in stores instead.

She described how she felt hopeful to find the thing she was searching for but they were usually out of stock or the kind of fabric was not suitable for her body size.

She concluded her post by saying that all the other girls or boys who are plus size like her, all deserve better. They have the right to be included just like anyone else.
Her followers online have admitted that unfortunately they also had been in similar situations and thanked her for sharing and trying to make a change for them.

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