Honey Boo Boo is a 16 years old girl known as Anna Thompson who is now all grown up. Her mother describes her back in years when she was 6 years old as a lover of beauty competitions.
Her mom declares that she is not dating Geno and she has spoken to her new love interest. Anna, according to her mother, is dating a boy named Dralin. He is 20 and she feels okay with the year gap.

As we understand, people do have a problem with her dating age gap. Her mother declares that her older sister was the same age when she started dating a boy named Josh.
Anna has to resist a lot of criticism about her dating life. Her mom says now she is all grown up, and it is not a baby anymore and her mother has an opinion about Dralin, about his job, about their relationship and she is really a supporter of her daughter’s relationship.

Mama June says that her younger daughter is turning 17 next year and graduating high school. She says that people still see her as the 6-year-old girl who made them laugh and people forget what the growing-up cycle means and that all babies grow up.

Her mom declares that she had a young man named Justin. They have been together since June. He is 18 years younger than her and we were friends first. She met him on tik tok.
Mama June says she and he found themselves and feel very happy together. She is not a very bible thumper but God has opened her a door and she took the courage to go through it. Now she is very happy with Justin despite the age gap.
What do you think about Mama June’s declaration?