Kids will play games and have fun at the age of 3 but this is not the same thing for King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi Iv, that is learning to rule a 2 million people kingdom at the age of three.
He is the king of Uganda and was born in 1992, after three years in 1995 he ascended to the throne.

Today’s Uganda is made up of independent kingdoms led by tribal chiefs. King Oyo now is known as Omukama and Rukirabasaija, which means the greatest of men.
After his father’s death, he was crowned after having the rituals of handing over the reins of power.
He was crowned in the middle of a jubilant crowd and entered the palace as the new king of Toro.
He had good relations with the President of Libya and considered him the defender of the Kingdom and invited him on the sixth anniversary of the coronation.

Gadafi made donations to restore the royal palace.
The king is now developing his kingdom with charity programs and special education for children in need.
He said that most Africans are led by older people that do nothing for their people. He brings a lot of financial support from world leaders who want him to succeed.