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How ARF Helped a Freezing Shih Tzu, And How a Redesign Could Make Shelter Life More Like Home

The Muncie Animal Rescue Fund is planning a renovation of the center to make it more friendly for the dogs and that it will look like home to them. The same Rescue Fund rescued a Shin Tzu that was freezing in a puddle near Daleville and Yorktown.

The Shih Tzu, named Olaf, was found almost frozen when found by Melanie Hollensbre, a Yorktown resident. Melanie was driving her daughter to swimming lessons when she saw something fury lying in a field. On her way back home, the creature was still there and so she decided to help. 

She saw it was a dog who needed help and got him out of the ice and took him home. She put the Shih Tzu in a warm blanket and washed him with a towel soaked in hot water. Hollensbre had previously adopted a dog from the ARF and so she contacted them for Olaf. 

They immediately treated him with the necessary medical assessments and put him to sleep so they could groom him. Olaf was covered in bruises and the grooming would have been very painful for him if the team had not put him under anesthesia.

Olaf was in bad health conditions that would make him lose his sight in one or both eyes. His previous owners had neglected him and never taken him to do a proper visit at the vet.

They are now planning to redesign the shelter in order to make it like a home for pets. The goal is to give individualized care to each animal and make sure they are healthy and safe.

Olaf is now recovering from other dogs that have special needs and was moved into a foster home. Share your thoughts and feelings for this story in the comments section on Facebook.