The most difficult moments make people stronger. This is the story of Ian, the teenage boy who was diagnosed with cancer. He is an inspiration for all people who are looking for strength to get through difficult periods of life.
He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 2019 and his story went viral on the internet. The 15-year-old had strictly followed the doctor’s advice. But now a moment had come that the doctors said they could do nothing.
The doctors informed him and his family that they could not cure Ian because the disease was progressing very quickly. In these moments, the little brother, Pjetri, started to cry non-stop, afraid of what would happen to his brother. The teenager hugged his brother giving him strength and trying to calm him down. Their mother decided to preserve this memory and recorded the hug. It shows Ian hugging his little brother and Pjetri crying.
The video of the boy with cancer comforting his brother went viral
The video went viral on the Internet and was shared very quickly. Meanwhile, the 15-year-old was explaining to his brother that he would fight to live. He would not wait for death to arrive but would live every second he had left.

The teenager was diagnosed with bone cancer and he attended the necessary chemotherapy sessions. After the last operation, the doctors informed the family that the cancer was gone. This made everyone infinitely happy.
After 2 years, he went to the hospital and learned that the disease had progressed a lot. But he could not stop it with the disease. Everyone is worried about the fate of the teenager. His family was very sad, but his little brother was sad and could not accept the fact that his brother was going to die.
A man named Benjamin shared the video on social media and many commenters express their sadness. He says that Ian started crying because he wanted to do one last good thing before he died. He wanted to tell his little brother himself instead of his parents telling him this bitter news.

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