The famous actress of “Game of Thrones” shows that part of her brain is missing after the operation that saved her life. She recovered and is living her life normally without being limited in her daily activities. However, she has learned a great lesson in life.
She tells the BBC that she had never been in such a scary situation. Emilia Clarke is grateful that she continues to live after a severe stroke. Her life has now changed. She says that she was lucky to have participated in “Game of Thrones”. In 2012, she faced a dangerous stroke that could have taken her life. “I feel that parts of my brain are missing. If a part of the brain is not supplied with blood, it disappears,” the actor declares.

She calls herself lucky to still be alive. Most people who experience severe strokes do not survive or remain paralyzed for life. Emilia still can’t believe that she managed to survive. After the operation, she was in danger of never speaking or seeing.
Doctors tried to restore her health to normal. She couldn’t believe that she could articulate the words without a problem. She experienced very difficult moments after the operations. Emilia says that the pain was so great that sometimes she wanted to die and that’s what she asked the doctors for. Now she wants to live her life and spend time with loved ones.

For him, nothing is more valuable than life. After numerous operations, she survived and can now communicate normally. Emilia has decided to live her life without stressing and enjoying every moment. Also, she has taken an initiative to help all people who suffer from problems or dangerous strokes in the brain.

The purpose of this association is to collect money to help brain-injured patients. She has now changed a lot and feels happier for every second she lives near her family.