Instagram has become one of the most used apps in world society. It has become a fully functional app that includes online shopping too. Together with “good” functional work this app can promote body shaming and creates insecurities in young girls, especially teens.
To feel more confident they use edits such as photoshop to the extreme level and in normal ways, this is becoming dangerous for mental health.
Sometimes it is unbelievable how far the edits have gone. You can laugh or get terrified by the edits of them looking like wax statues.
One question that remains unanswered is why to use filters excessively.
1. In the first picture is a photo of an ankle and it is obvious that it is edited because the skills of the person who photoshopped it as we can see are low.

2. The second photo is a girl who says in her Instagram story “no filter on her eyes and that her eyes started changing color. If we see up to the story she has used the filter of colored lenses.

3. In the third picture is a young girl who has edited her leg and you must be drunk not to see the difference between the other leg.

4. The fourth picture is of a girl who has edited her car together with her body and the caption is priceless.

5. In the fourth picture we can easily see the difference between the same photo but from real to fake.

6. We all know Jenifer Lopez for her body goals as she is in her 50’s but if we see two pictures of her the Instagram one and the real one we can see that she has been photoshopped to look like 20 years old.

7. Nature is not safe from crazy editors,

8. When you are not in the same mood as your friend and don’t agree to post the edited one.

9. Crazy edit of a jawline, do they think we are blind or something.

10. Good angles and good light can change people.

11. If you wanna do photoshop, do it right or don’t do it. The boy had forgotten to photoshop the shadow of the iPhone box.

14. In this photo you can see everything natural, eyes, skin, cheekbones.

15. This girl has photoshopped herself looking like a wax statue.

16. Khloe Kardashian finally has seen the light of the day.

18. Have you ever heard of skin?

19. She is fit but she loves photoshop.

20. These three boys made the gym season lit.

22. A wax couple and their dog ladies and gentlemen.

23. Do not make yourself compared to photoshopped people.

24. No word for this guy.

26. Photoshopped people and mirror enemies for life. Or you can just photoshop yourself in the mirror too.

27. She looks like those PS1 graphics look.

28. Again no words.

29. He forgot the phone home so he took only the case.

30. Bratz cartoon is that you?

31. Television vs Instagram

1. The comments complimented her natural beauty and body.

2. His profile vs her profile

3. Legs all days girl.

4. This is so uncanny.

5. Where to start with this photo?

6. True love means to face-tune your partner as much as yourself.

7. Your face is in 4K, but your body is 360p.

8. The door has some really good curves.

9. I think she forgot something.

10. Just a poor dog.

11. This photo is so real.

12. This is a giant hand.

13. Thumbnail vs actual video footage.

14. Wife posted two versions of the same picture.

15. Never skip the gym.

16. Instagram vs real life

17. She must be her sister.

18. Instagram vs original.

19. Local influencer appeared on TV, fans had trouble recognizing her.

20. I think she is kidding.

21. I think she is using some filters.

22. 90 Days together

23. Instagram vs press picture

24. Bodybuilder meets NBA player at the gym and thinks no one will notice the leg photoshop.

What do you think about these photos? Did you ever use filters or photoshop? Share your funny stories with us.