We always see how excited Shih Tzus can be in certain moments. We can see everything in their eyes, gratitude, warmth, and smiles. But few Shih Tzus can actually smile with their faces as we do.

Luffy is a little Shih Tzu that was taking a grooming session while the owner Sarah Jane Balbidades decided to leave her alone this time as she was an adult and could cope on her own.
She went about her business leaving Luffy at the grooming session. She didn’t know that her puppy would get bored and was waiting for her return.

When she came back, she saw him smiling through the window. It was one of the cutest smiles ever witnessed from a Shih Tzu.

Sarah felt ashamed that left Luffy alone, she could only redeem the guilt with treats. But Luffy forgave her in a minute. Everything was captured on video and you will be touched too.
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