Raymond Balcerowicz is a 79-year-old army veteran who owns a gun shop. His shop became the target of three burglars who wanted to rob his shop. Raymond’s residence is located on the side of his shop and he was awkward on Tuesday by a loud noise.

The three burglars had ripped the doors of the shop with a car and some chains. The burglar’s intent to rob the store did not end well since there was then a shootout between them and the store owner Raymond. One of them did not make it alive.

Raymond’s response was very quick. As soon as the burglars saw him they opened fire and tried to shoot him but missed. That is when Raymond had the idea to use a tree as a cover and then he also opened fire towards the thieves.

Raymond shot one of the burglars and traces of blood were left behind. About 10 miles away from the crime scene, a 20-year-old man, who had some wounds from a gunshot, was found lying in a car in Baytown.

Another one of the burglars was hit, it was Jose Flores, a 23-year-old man who died at the crime scene. They performed CPR on him but he did not make it. Some stolen guns were found next to Jose.
The bullets found on the dead body of Jose Flores were not only from Raymond but also from one of the other burglars. The other two burglars were arrested. The 17-year-old burglar named Angel Cardenas was also charged with murder because he shot Flores also.

Angel Cardenas also suffered another charge, the one of tampering with evidence because he tried to burn the guns in a woodpile. The guns found there belonged to the gun store owned by Raymond. His bail is set at $225000
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