
Mom Wakes Up And Finds 2YO Taking Shower In The Middle of the Night By a Stranger

In this article, we will see the shocking story of a mother named Aerica Hill and her little daughter. She woke up in the middle of the night one time and saw a woman carrying her baby.

They were ready to take a shower as the woman had put the baby into the bathtub. The unidentified woman has now been identified as Elizabeth Hixon. She had broken into their property.

Aerica keep the woman there with the help of her boyfriend until the police arrived. Elizabeth was arrested and charged for breaking private property.

Elizabeth says that she found the kid outside and only wanted to help. But according to her mother, Elizabeth has mental problems but has a good heart and would never hurt anyone.

At the moment Elizabeth is free since the police have not gotten the final results of the analysis yet. A decision regarding this situation has not been made yet and it’s still pending.

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