A single mother has been sent to prison for a year because she put her 14-year-old daughter to babysit her siblings while the mother would go to work. A lot of people have called her irresponsible. But others are defending her.

This happened ad the beginning of the pandemic, in May of 2020. This is also the reason why many people are defending Melissa, the single mother, as they consider this an act of a desperate mother.
Because of COVID, the daycare where Melissa used to send her kids was shut down. She put Linley, her 14-year-old, in charge of watching her 4-year-old siblings. Linley was busy in her online courses and did not notice when her brother, Thaddeus, had gone outside to play with his friend.

Linley went searching for her brother and actually found him in the house of his friend. But, the friend’s mom, had already called the police in the meanwhile.
Two weeks later, Melissa was arrested and charged with one year of prison and also with a fine of $1000. The police officers said that this is an important case since parents need to understand how dangerous is to leave their kids at home alone.

Thaddeus was fine luckily, but he might have been kidnapped or run over by someone on the street. Melissa was taken to Union County jail but was later bailed out by her ex-husband.
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