Isaiah Acosta was born in 1999. He suffered from a condition named Situs Inversus and was not able to breathe oxygen for 15 minutes when he was born.

He was born with no jaw and as a result, he was not able to eat or speak.
Doctors said that he would not be able to survive and that even if he actually did survive that his life would be of no quality.

Now, more than 20 years later, Isaiah is proving them wrong.
Isaiah, from Phoenix Arizona, survived and has been fighting to win in life ever since. He still eats through a tube, but this hasn’t stopped him.
Tarah, Isaiah’s mother, says that the doctors averted her that her son was bound to spend a life in bed if he survived and this was devastating news for her.
She was in shock but felt an immediate connection with Isaiah.
He has had a very challenging life as he has never in his life tasted the food and has always been fed through a tube.

He also gets sick very often because he is not able to regularly breathe air.
Today, Isaiah has become the kind of person who is able to light up a room with a single smile.
He is involved in the life of the community around him and enjoys helping them. He also has a dream of becoming a rapper.
He loves to write songs and also sing or rap them. His inspiration is Phoenix rapper Tikey “Trap House” Patterson who has helped Isaiah to lift up his spirit and achieve his goals.

Isaiah is also very active in social media where he shares his everyday life with thousands of people online.
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