After grieving the loss of a child, people try to live life and find strength. This is the story of a mother that found out her daughter, who she was told died after birth in the hospital, was still alive.
She began to search and find what happened to her beloved girl. Damea Morris gave birth at home and the paramedics found the baby was not breathing. They were taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Minnesota. She was told that her baby girl did not make it. She was not even given a birth certificate.
That day another couple went to the hospital to adopt a baby. It was the last newborn baby there to be adopted.
She posted on Facebook her story and found that there was an adoption open with Joanna Lentner.
She asked for legal help to get through this. People were shocked to hear about it. They posted photos from Joanna and Jake Lentner’s blog with their adoption journey.

Damea set up a GoFundMe to support her for legal fees. I do not deserve any of them taken from me. What do you think? Who is responsible for such things?

We hope Damea meets with her baby girl and have a happy life!