All of us, at least once have edited our pictures, even if it was only to edit red-eye or somehow smooth our skin a little in order to clear the acne from the pictures.
But also, the celebrities use these little tricks and retouch their pictures, but in this case, they have hundreds of followers who see every detail and almost always figure out if they have used photoshop.
The transparent shoulders of Jake Paul.

Jake Paul shared this picture right before a fight, but the fans were more focused on the photoshop fail of it. The top of his shoulder was see-through, probably because he wanted it to look bigger and edited it.
The missing toes of Kim Kardashian

Kim posted this picture while on vacation and the fans were quick to realize that she had edited it since one of her toes was missing as Kim’s foot was up against a tree.
The smooth skin of John Mayer

John Mayer shared this picture on Instagram but no one could be fooled into thinking that his skin was actually this smooth.
The disappearing back on Britney Spears.

Britney had the superpower to always look awesome in her pictures but in this one, she failed with the photoshop since there seems to be no pavement underneath her back.
The big hand of Ariana Grande

Ariana is known, among other characteristics, for her petite size, and this is actually the reason why her fans immediately noticed how big her hand looked in this photo.
The pale hands of Khloe Kardashian

Khloe is known for always photoshopping her pictures. In this one, her hand look way paler than the rest of her
The hands of Khloe, for the second time.

In this picture, Khloe’s hands look unproportioned in confrontation with her body. This leads the fans to believe it is photoshop.
The stolen identity of Madonna

Madonna shared this picture on her social media but we found out that she actually photoshopped her head into that picture. Amelia Goode revealed on her TikTok the real picture that Madonna used.
The bendy boat of Taylor Swift

Taylor shared this picture on Instagram with the Haim girls but the followers were quick to point out the failed photoshop in it. The bar of the boat where all the girls were leaning, was bent right where their waist was.
The hands of Khloe, for the third time

This time the reason is that she has way too many fingers in each of her hands.
The missing body parts of Kim Kardashian’s kids.

For Halloween, the family dressed as “The Flinstones” and what the followers clearly saw is the missing feet of Chicago. She clearly added Chicago in the picture through photoshop.
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