A little girl boarded a plane with her mother to go back home from the Disneyland trip.
The mother seated her in the middle to stop her from playing with the window shutter.
Her mother feared that the daughter’s behavior would upset others.
Other people chose to sit away from the little Kate, except one guy.
Kate started calling him as “Daddy”, and he didn’t ignore the little girl.
The man played with her and answered questions about turtles. He also let her play with the iPad.
The little girl had the best flight ever. The mother wrote a thank you letter which went viral and they soon found who was the kind man.

Dear Daddy,
I don’t know what is your name, but my daughter called you daddy for the entire flight. You didn’t correct her even that this was confusing.
If she calls you like that, you better believe she thinks you are alright.
I sat my daughter in the middle seat to not distract anyone with the window shade.
My lovely daughter started to rub your arm. You could have ignored her but you didn’t. You engaged with my daughter, and answered her questions.

You never seemed annoyed with her. Thank you for everything.
The letter went viral, and it reached the man. His name is Eric Kunkel from New Jersey and is a parent himself.
Thank you kind man!
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