The law in China to have only one child has affected many families. One of these is the family of Qian Fenxiang and Xu Lida. They lived in the years when the law to give birth to only one child was in force. This law was imposed due to the large population.
The whole story started with a letter that Qian and Xu wrote to her second daughter. “Come meet us at the bridge after 10 or 20 years.” they were forced to leave their newborn daughter under a bridge. They hoped that a merciful family would find and shelter him.
The little girl, Kati was adopted by a very loving family and continued her life in Michigan. This would make their meeting more difficult. However, Katie was lucky to survive. By the time Katie was born, many young children were abandoned.
Many parents were forced to have abortions, otherwise, they would be severely punished financially. That’s why Katie’s mom was born at home and tried to hide the pregnancy. She did not want to have an abortion. Her mother never went to the doctor.
After Kati was born, Qian and Xu took her to a distant land. They had left a note next to her. The note indicated the date of birth and the reason for leaving the baby. “Our daughter, Jingzhi, was born at 10 o’clock in the morning.
“We are forced by poverty and worldly affairs to abandon it.” They appealed to anyone to have mercy on their baby. They also wanted to meet the girl after 10 or 20 years.
She lived with her adoptive parents. She sent someone else to Kati’s place. But Kat’s biological parents had just left. So they could not meet. This story became very popular in the media.
So Kat’s adoptive parents decided to let their daughter meet her parents. She went to China to meet him and was very happy about it. Her parents were very happy and relieved when they saw their daughter.