Krysta Davis is a 23-year-old mother who has struggled a lot with her pregnancies. She had a miscarriage once and in her other pregnancy she was just 18 weeks when she discovered something terrible.
The doctors found out that the baby suffered from a rare condition. The baby, Rylei, had anencephaly which is a health condition and in this case, it meant that the baby had certain parts of the skull missing.

The doctors did not expect the baby to live more than 30 minutes after birth. It was very difficult for a mother to accept that her baby would die as soon as she was born. For this reason, she was determined to cherish every single moment that Krysta would get to be with Rylei.
Krysta and her husband were put in a very difficult position when they were asked to decide whether they would induce labor right away or if they wanted to continue the pregnancy and then donate the little girls’ organs.
It was a very difficult decision to make but they decided to give birth to the baby, cherish every moment they would get with her, and then donate her organs to other kids in need.

Rylei was born on 24th December and was the most loved baby in the world. Krysta was expecting Rylei to give up any moment now but turns out that Riley was a fighter. She lived for one whole week and then left this world on New Year’s Eve.
The mother says Rylei was such a good baby as she just smiled the whole time during the one week she lived. She did not cry, not until the last day. This is because she was losing a lot of oxygen.
Riley’s organs helped save the lives of two other babies, donating her heart valves to them. Her lungs, on the other hand, were donated to a research hospital.

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