Liam Deane is a man who was sent to prison after causing fatal injuries to his little baby daughter who was found dead because of this.

Liam, 22 years old, said that Luna, his daughter, wouldn’t stop crying and that this is the reason why he hit her causing her death.
Luna was just two days old. She received these catastrophic injuries in her brain which made her lose her life in the hospital after three days.
While Liam was in prison, the other inmates made his life miserable after they found out what he had done.

They did this until eventually, they murdered him one month after being sent to prison.
Only two days after Lima’s arrival to this world, Liam told his wife, Karen Bisset, that their daughter was not breathing correctly.
He did not tell her the truth but lied saying that the little girl had fallen during the night and this made her hit her head hurting it this way.
Luna was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately, the little angel didn’t make it and she lost her life after three days.

The paramedics that took her to the hospital said that her face was bruised and badly swollen.
The doctors determined that the cause of death was catastrophic injuries in the brain.
It was Liam himself who admitted that he was responsible for Luna’s death after attacking her because she cried too much.
Luna was left with her father after her mother Karen went to rest since she needed some sleep.

Her father lost his control after Luna wouldn’t stop crying and assaulted the baby squeezing, shaking, and punching her.
He was sentenced to prison for life but found dead by another inmate in the correction facility where he was being held.
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