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How To Properly Bathe Your Shih Tzu – Follow These Tips To Make Easy And Funny

Washing your puppy is very important even though it is a difficult activity. But we will show you some simple tips. This way, you will use this time to stay with your dog and make more friends with him. All you need to know is how to make your Shih Tzu feel comfortable.

These dogs are very agile and like to play and make noise. Maybe this is one of the reasons you get tired when you wash your beloved puppy. But these techniques that you will find here will help you a lot. How to make our Shih Tzu shower fun?

When preparing to wash your dog, you need to be careful with the shampoo you use. One of the most important steps before washing Shih Tzu is choosing a shampoo that is good for its skin and hair. A shampoo, cream, and good oil will make your dog’s hair soft and shiny. We recommend that you buy quality products that do not cause damage to your dog’s skin.

Some shampoos are very harmful and smell bad. It will bother you and your Shih Tzu. A shampoo and a cream with a pleasant aroma always make the shower fun! If your dog has skin problems, you can consult his veterinarian, and he will tell you which shampoo to use.

Prepare a pleasant environment. Nice music, a nice scent, or some toys in your dog’s bathtub will make your dog feel good. The shower is important for the emotional state of your dog. During bathing, try massaging your dog’s feet and hands. Rest assured that this will greatly relax your dog.

If you are thinking of another item that should be in your Shih Tzu shower, remember this. What you need is a comb. When washing, combing the hair helps keep it healthy. Also, the bathwater should be warm. If the water is hot or cold, your dog will not feel comfortable at all.

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