Robert De Niro split from his wife 21 years ago. He is a two-time Oscar winner and one of the best actors in film history. He had a rough time affording his ex-wife’s lavish lifestyle.

He married his second wife in 1997. Actress Grace Hightower and De Niro met 10 years before they decided to get married.

They had a son, Elliot in 1998 and a daughter Helen in 2011. After their son was born, the actor filed the divorce and they co-parented him for a year. After a while, they reconciled and renowned their vows.

They split again in 2018. Now De Niro has found himself in a very tough situation. He has to provide for his ex’s lavish lifestyle.

De Niro reported that he is working hard and she has bought even a $1 million-plus diamond ring, so he cut her monthly credit card limit from $100 K to $50 K.
He is 77 years old and works a lot, six days a week and 12 hours a day to keep up with his ex’s expenses.

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